Recorded: April 9, 2020

Duration: 60 minutes

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Chase Buckle

Chase Buckle

Trends Manager
Katie Gilsenan

Katie Gilsenan

Consumer Insights Manager

The coronavirus pandemic is still gripping communities worldwide. The first release of our multinational study into 13 global markets proved to what scale it’s impacting the consumer landscape.

The second wave of this study, fielded in 17 markets between March 31 - April 2, shows us how that picture is evolving. Here, we guide you through the insights to know to tackle the challenges ahead.

What's in this webinar?

In this webinar, we dissect how trends are shifting, offering the latest insights into what’s happening on the ground with findings from Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, Singapore, Spain, UK and the U.S..

Watch it to find out:

  • Is concern rising or falling across markets?
  • Is concern rising or falling in relation to personal finances?
  • What activities are consumers doing more or less of across markets?
  • How are attitudes towards advertising evolving?
  • How is media consumption changing?
  • How are purchase habits changing?
  • What are the early indications of a post-coronavirus digital landscape?

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