Recorded: December 13, 2021

Duration: 45 minutes

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Stuart Baker

Stuart Baker

Director, Travel, Leisure & Professional Services
Chris Beer

Chris Beer

Trends Manager

They’re technophobes, they have less progressive views than their younger counterparts, and they much prefer traditional high street shopping, right? 

Wrong, wrong and wrong again. There are tons of myths about the ‘older’ generations that need dispelling. 

In this webinar, we’re putting these two influential segments center stage. We’re revealing what makes them tick - specifically in a commercial sense - so brands can tap into their significant spending power.

What will we talk about?

Our speakers will take you on a 360 tour of Gen X and boomers, using a healthy mix of behavioral, demographic and psychographic data points to bring it all into context.

Here’s what you can expect to uncover:

  • Who they are
  • Why they matter
  • Brand expectations
  • Buying behaviors
  • Their presence on social media

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