Consumer behavior has fundamentally changed, especially when it comes to spending time online. Digital and mobile were previously where brands would connect with the younger generations online, but are fast becoming the go-to places across almost all audiences. The Covid lockdown accelerated this shift, and we now see that most changes will stick post-pandemic. 

The constant challenge for businesses is trying to keep up with rapidly changing consumer behavior, and understand where to focus their attention. That’s why an up-to-date view on consumer behavior is so crucial. Understanding the changing media landscape is key to devising marketing strategies that really resonate with your target audience, and ensuring marketing spend isn’t wasted.

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What's inside the report?

In this report, we’ve teamed up with Meta and leveraged our globally harmonized data across the UK and Ireland, and the Nordics to enable business leaders and marketers to get a better understanding of their target audiences, and keep up with the changing media landscape. 

We look at:

  • What’s changed?
  • What’s stuck?
  • The key differences across different markets

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