Get our summary of car buyers in the U.S. and UK to know how they feel about their future purchases. Find out about the features that incentivize consumers to buy cars in 2019.
Understand upgraders and what they think
What are consumers looking for in their next car? How do viewpoints differ from the U.S. to the UK?
Discover waypoints on the purchase journey
Which are the marketing channels that matter when reaching car buyers? What are the factors that influence their decision?
Stay ahead of what consumers want
How do car buyers see future technologies like smart assistants? What are the innovations you need to know about?
Get the latest data on car buyers and make sure you have all the right insights.
What's in the infographic?
Discover key statistics on car buyers, including:
- The devices that U.S. and UK consumers prefer to use when looking for car brands.
- Sources that they turn to to find out more, including video and motoring websites.
- Reasons for considering a new car, and the features that will matter in the future.