With mental health issues among the leading reasons for disability globally, the spotlight is firmly on solutions. Learn how consumers feel about what brands are doing, in a special report on views worldwide.

The impact of social media

Weigh up the impact - positive or negative - of social media. Enrich your community and social media strategy with the factors that consumers feel are important, and ensure you’re staying relevant.

Actionable data for brands

Brands and organizations are taking a more active role - but does it go far enough? Find out what’s important to consumers, how they feel about campaigns, and what solutions they’re interested in.

Understand the global and local picture

Explore consumer views on brand and organizations’ responsibility in the U.S. and UK, and discover data on the prevalence of problems in specific regions.

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What's inside the report?

In a bespoke survey we explore consumer views on mental health issues, social media, and how brands play their part.


  • Causes of stress and how these differ for men and women.
  • The growth in tracking of screen and app time.
  • The role UK and U.S. consumers would like employers to take.
  • Perceptions on challenges in the mental health space.
  • Views of solutions including CBD, apps, and meditation.


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