Our device report brings you the latest consumer insights into usage around the world. With insight on time spent on devices, and the gadgets on the rise, you’ll be fully briefed on technology today.

Stay relevant with the most important statistics.

Make sure you understand how smartphone penetration is changing - and where. Keep up with the evolution of device markets, to know how significantly things have changed.

Get inspired to refresh your go-to-market strategy.

Detailed insight into the ways consumers are using devices such as smartphones, voice assistants, and gaming consoles will help you understand how you can get closer to them.

Support differentiated marketing with a detailed global view.

You’ll be able to compare regions and markets, to see where smartphones and other tech is used the most - and where dwell times are highest. Get your message seen as much as possible with precise detail on what consumers are using.

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What's in the report?

With new data for 2019 our device report gives you all you need to know, on an international scale. Get key statistics on mobile, PC, console, smart watch and smart TV ownership.

We provide the expert view on trends in action, covering:

      • The smartphone usage stats to know in 2019.
      • How ownership is changing over time.
      • Market-by-market analysis of device use.
      • TV viewing habits on different devices.
      • Consumer views on new technology.



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