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Understand real consumers with data from real people

We run online surveys in 50+ markets to collect responses from internet users across all corners of the globe. Our data represents online populations - not national populations, and our sample sizes vary per market according to population and online penetration. Our data is weighted for accuracy, cleaned to maintain robustness, and updated quarterly to ensure freshness.

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Finance industry insights through a global and local lens

From money management to navigating the cost of living, our intuitive consumer research platform lets you seamlessly access financial services insights powered in the moment you need them.

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0Kprofiling points

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Success story

The depth GWI brings, and the ability to dissect the data and use it in different ways as a self-service tool, is really valuable and unique.

Avery Dennison

When Avery Dennison wanted to define its retail strategy, 
GWI was able to help this global leader in materials science 
and manufacturing reach over 2 million people.

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